
Road to Advocacy Series

The Center for Exceptional Families has developed a roadmap to advocacy for parents and professionals on their journey to better understanding special education and disability. We plan to utilize an online learning management system and partner with the Arkansas Department of Education to offer CEUS to school staff who are interested in taking the journey. CLICK HERE to learn more…


Relevant to AgesPresentation NameYoutubeYoutubePDFPDF
0-26 The Center for Exceptional Families Audio TextPPT
5-21Effective Parent AdvocacyAudioTextPPTNotes
5-21Understanding the IEPAudioTextPPTNotes
5-21Behavior Plans for Students with IEPSAudioTextPPTNotes
5-21The 123’s of the 504 Audio Text
0-3Early Intervention and IFSPsAudioTextPPT
4-6Transition to Kindergarten Audio Text PPTNotes
14-18Transition to AdulthoodAudioTextPPTNotes
5-21Testing and Evaluation Procedures Audio Text
Any Age Info on Test Acronyms AudioText
Any AgeAutism Audio TextPPT
Any AgeDyslexia, Dysgraphia, DyscalculiaAudio TextPPT
Any AgeSensory Processing Audio Text
5-21Special Ed Referral ProcessAudioTextPPT

Webinars and More

Caring for the CaregiverTCFEF Staff, Shelby Knight and Teresa Hendrix
Special Needs TrustsTCFEF and Thomas Smith
Guardianships and Able AccountsTCFEF and Thomas Smith
Bullying PreventionTCFEF and Equity Assistance Center
Section 504: Access ProtectedTCFEF and Equity Assistance Center
Mystery of the BrainTCFEF and Van Morris, LCSW
Special Education and ALETCFEF and Jared Hogue Director ALE
Intro to Positive Behavior SupportsTCFEF, UALR, Partners for Inclusive Communities
Mediation Clinic for Professionals (Early Childhood)TCFEF and Bowen School of Law
Mediation Clinic for Families (Early Childhood)TCFEF and Bowen School of Law
Autism 101TCFEF and Renee Holmes, RN UARK
Dispute ResolutionTCFEF and Rick Porter ADE
DDS Children with Chronic Health ConditonsTCFEF and CSHCN DHS
SPED Referral and TestingTCFEF and Amy Ring, LSPP
Transition ResourcesTCFEF and Renee Holmes, RN UARK
Response to Intervention (RTI)TCFEF Parent Mentor Tracey Risley
Emotional DysregulationTCFEF and Van Morris, LCSW
Managing Problem BehaviorTCFEF, UARK and GSU
Playing with your child and Life SkillsTCFEF, ASU, and UARK
Arkansas Autism WaiverTCFEF and Renee Holmes, RN UARK
Managing StressTCFEF, UCF, ASU, Kids for the Future